Relentless statistics cite the following facts: a third of men after 50 years of age experience problems with potency. There is an opinion that in order to get real morbidity figures, you need to multiply the official figures by 10 . . . And in 80% of cases, moderate and severe forms of pathology are in the morbidity structure. Sad, isn't it?
Laziness, fear of doctors, lack of time, procrastination - what factors lead to such consequences? Or the low effectiveness of pharmaceuticals? Traditional medicine has always been relevant and it is unlikely that the demand for effective methods will fall. Consider the popular alternative medicine to increase potency at home.
The best folk remedies to use at home
The prevalence of home or folk methods to increase potency is also explained by the fact that they do not come with instructions with a huge list of side effects. And they give pleasant bonuses in the form of good immunity and general healing of the body.
- Honey and nuts. These products are a storehouse of useful substances: vitamins, microelements, macronutrients, essential fatty and amino acids, enzymes and much more good. The result appears due to the direct effect on the production of testosterone, and indirectly - the state of the cardiovascular system improves. To prepare the mixture, you need to take fresh products. An equal amount of pine nuts, walnuts and honey is mixed. It is better to store the product in the refrigerator. Eat a tablespoon a day.
- Grass lovage. Contains such active substances as furocoumarins, organic acids, essential oils. Means based on lovage improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, normalize the psycho-emotional state, and contribute to the production of sex hormones. It is used as a seasoning for dishes, adding it in dried form. A decoction is also made from the root of this herb. A teaspoon of crushed root is taken in a glass of water, boiled for 10 minutes. Drink one tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.
- Thyme or Bogorodskaya grass, or thyme. Contains essential oils and flavonoids, trace elements, including zinc. And it is part of the testosterone molecule. Plus, due to the anti-inflammatory effect, thyme is used in the complex treatment of prostate adenoma, cystitis, prostatitis. Bogorodskaya grass is brewed with boiling water: 100g. raw materials in a glass of water. Drink throughout the day like tea.
- Stinging nettle to increase potency. It has components such as quercetin, sitosterol, phenol carboxylic acids, carotenoids, vitamins gr. B, K, C, E, coumarins. This burning herb enhances sexual desire, treats inflammation of the urogenital area. Tonic and stimulant for metabolism. An infusion is prepared from the roots of the plant: for a tablespoon of finely chopped nettle roots - half a liter of vodka. Insist for 3 weeks and drink 20 drops once a day.
- Ginseng. Classics of the genre. Contains saponin glycosides, minerals and vitamins in large quantities (about 20%). Ginsenosides increase the production of nitric oxide and lead to penis enlargement. Stimulates blood circulation, enhances libido, improves sperm quality. It is an excellent immunostimulant and antidepressant. Take 1 tablespoon of crushed roots, add 350g. honey, leave for 14 days, consume in the morning, afternoon and evening.
- "Mulled wine" for potency: mix 100g. raisins, the same amount of prunes and dried apricots; add a tablespoon of sugar. Pour red wine into dried fruits and add spices - cloves, cinnamon, cardamom. Warm over low heat for about an hour. Drink in the evening before dinner.

Attention!Thyme has a number of contraindications for taking - stomach ulcer, kidney and liver disease, atrial fibrillation.

Important!All recipes to increase potency, even traditional medicine, have certain contraindications, so you need to consult a doctor before using! Self-medication can be dangerous!
Worth remembering
It is important to objectively assess the current situation with health. There is no need to console yourself with the hope that complex and severe forms of erectile dysfunction can be cured with herbal preparations. They are rather effective in the initial stages. And in the later ones, they will only erase the clinical picture of the disease and make it difficult to diagnose.

Do not forget about the following points:
- Giving up bad habits (smoking, alcohol) will help the body recover quickly.
- Reducing nervous tension will have a positive effect on libido.
- Physical activity and proper nutrition will improve the condition of the cardiovascular system.
- Prevention and timely treatment of diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases, will increase the chances of long-term sexual activity.
The road will be mastered by the walking
This article about increasing potency at home with folk remedies is provided for informational purposes only. All medical manipulations and activities should be coordinated with the doctor. Take care of your health!